No. 48 Catalog

I have changed the description of the No. 48 catalog to “1948” instead of “1948 or 1947?”, for the following reasons:

  • Page 12 of the catalog is headlined with, “Announcing P&C’s Expanded Line Of Pliers, Adjustable Wrenches and Pipe Wrenches”.  The description goes on to say, “Through the acquisition of another modern factory [Jamestown, N.Y.] , P&C is now able to offer a complete line of highest quality pliers, adjustable wrenches and pipe wrenches.”
  • Since the Jamestown factory was acquired by Plomb in 1947 it is doubtful that P&C could have completed all the necessary steps (including adding this section in a 1947 Catalog) of adding these tools to the lineup in 1947.
  • A new price list was issued by P&C to suppliers in May of 1949, which applied to catalog No. 48.

The No. 48 catalog covering 1948 seems to be the most likely scenario based on the facts above.